Various ArtistsBalance 007 (Mixed By Chris Fortier)
MotorpsychoTimothy's Monster CD2
Terra sambaE So Alegria
Professor LonghairNew Orleans Party (The Lost Sessions 1971-72)
BoredomsVision Creation Newsun
The BandMoondog Matinee
Peggy LeeChristmas Carousel
BlackfieldNew York 3/10/05
AkroAu Crunk
Starkey BantonRasta Mystic
Rap - Various ArtistsDeath Row Greatest Hits Disc 2
Maria and Cal Viva JoaoSol
DJ Keyz and JadakissAl Qaeda Jada
YirumaDestiny Of Love
Peggy LeeRendezvous With Peggy Lee
Mason JenningsAcoustic #3
Pedro Luis FerrerMariposa
Billy Squier16 Strokes: The Best of Billy Squier
Spiritual BeggarsSpiritual Beggars